Born February 12, 1920, Lakewood, New Jersey

Raised in New York City

Died September 11, 2022, Charlotte, North Carolina


Member of the Photo League, New York, NY

Sonia on Wikipedia

New York Times Obituary

Charlotte Ledger Obituary

Selected Collections

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY


The Jewish Museum, New York, NY


Mint Museum of Art, Charlotte, NC


Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, Ohio


Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, Montgomery, AL


Davidson College - Van Avery/Smith Galleries, Davidson, NC


Queens University - Gambrell Center for the Arts, Charlotte, NC


Bank of America Corporate Collection


Numerous private collections

Selected Exhibitions


AIPAD (Association of International Photography Dealers) New York, NY


Two Pioneering Women Photographers of the Photo League

Sonia Handelman Meyer and Ida Wyman, Monroe Gallery, Santa Fe, NM


The Denver Art Museum, Denver, CO

Modern Women/Modern Vision


The Gorelick Gallery, Central Piedmont Community College, Charlotte, NC

The Photo Archives of Sonia Handelman Meyer


XXI Fotofestival, Łódź,Poland


Rzeszów Photo Festival, Rzeszów, Poland


The Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn, Germany

Hannah Arandt and the 20th Century


German Historical Museum, Berlin, Germany

Hannah Arandt and the 20th Century


Napa Valley Museum Yountville, Yountville, CA

Modern Women | Modern Vision: Works from the Bank of America Collection


The Light Factory, Charlotte, NC


The Mint Museum of Art, Charlotte, NC


The Light Factory, Charlotte, NC


Babson Capital Management, Charlotte, NC


The Mint Museum of Art, Charlotte, NC


Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, FL


Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, Ohio


Contemporary Jewish Museum, San Francisco, CA


The Jewish Museum, New York, NY


National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington DC


Hodges Taylor Gallery, Charlotte, NC


Fairhope Unitarian Fellowship, Fairhope, AL


Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, AL


Higher Pictures Gallery, New York, NY


Gallery Three, Wachovia Center, Charlotte, NC


Taylor Bercier Fine Art, New Orleans, LA


Hodges Taylor Gallery, Charlotte, NC


International Center of Photography, New York, NY


Galerie National du Canada, Ottawa


Museum of Fine Arts, Houston


Minneapolis Institute of Arts


Various Photo League exhibitions, New York, NY

Selected Documentaries

Making Black America: Through the Grapevine

Henry Louis Gates/PBS 2022


Radicalism in 1950’s America

Frosso Tsouka, Kastigari Films, New York, NY

Selected Publications

Walkers in the City: Jewish Street Photographers of Mid-Century New York

Deborah Dash Moore, to be published by Cornell University Press in 2023


Art of the State, Celebrating the Visual Art of NC

Liza Roberts, UNC Press, November 2022


Still Capturing Our Attention

Southpark Magazine, May 2022


Wasn’t That a Time: The Weavers, the Blacklist, and the Battle for the Soul of America

November 2018, Cover Image


Ronnie Gilbert: A Radical Life in Song

October 2015


Bearing Witness: New York Photo League and Sonia Handelman Meyer

February, 2014


Inspired, Beyond the Wall of The Mint Museum

Winter/Spring 2016


The Radical Camera: New York's Photo League, 1936-1951

December, 2011


Into the Light, Sonia Handelman Meyer: The Photo League Years, ebook publication by Boson Books, an imprint of C&M Online Media, Inc.



Charlotte Woman Magazine, The Photographic Genius of Sonia Handelman Meyer

May, 2008


finity, publication by David Vestal



Into The Light, Sonia Handelman Meyer: The Photo League Years, Hodges Taylor Gallery exhibition catalogue, essay by Lili Corbus Geer, PhD.

September, 2007


Charlotte Observer

September 9, 2007


OVO Magazine, Vol. 10, Number 40/41



New York Times

March 7, 1982


Books For Everyone, NY Public Library Report

1948 – 1949


Lifting The Barriers, Sydenham Institution Fellowship Publication



New York Times

December 15, 1948


US Camera

April, 1947

Special Events


Served on panel discussion about the Photo League, Mint Museum of Charlotte, NC


Served on panel discussion about the Photo League with other former Photo League members, Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, FL, 2013


Served on panel discussion about the Photo League with other former Photo League members, Columbus, OH.


Filmed and interviewed by Mason Klein, curator, The Jewish Museum, and Catherine Evans, curator, Columbus Museum, for The Radical Camera: New York's Photo League, 1936-1951, a traveling exhibition, book and video program at The Jewish Museum.


Gallery Talk, Hodges Taylor Gallery, Charlotte, NC


Served on A Conversation with Members of the Photo League panel with other former Photo League members, AIPAD educational program, NY


Honored Guest at AIPAD Conference, New York, NY


Photographed by Jerry Siegel for his project focused on artists living in the southern US


Gallery Talk, Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, Montgomery, AL


Gallery Talk, Hodges Taylor Gallery, Charlotte, NC


Filmed and interviewed by Atlanta-based filmmaker for a future profile of the artist


Shot the first publicity stills for the folk singing group, The Weavers, circa late 1940’s. These photographs were used on record albums and publications and continue to be used today.